IT Compare Privacy filter 3M, ELECOM and YMYWorld Recently, I started working at home on weekdays, but I don't get very much done at home. So I have been working more and... 2020.01.09 IT
C# Get the date and time the photo was taken down to the second I have previously written about file property acquisition-related issues in the article GetDetailsOf to get file propert... 2020.01.07 C#IT
C# Order of events when clicked in C# listvew When I created a function to process a list view when it is selected by mouse click, I checked the order of events.Creat... 2018.08.15 C#IT
IT If the installation fails in Visual Studio 2017 The installation of Visual Studio Community2017 failed under the Prosiki environment and I tried various methods, but as... 2018.08.14 ITVisual Studio
C# GetDetailsOf to get file properties This is a reminder to get file properties in C#.GetDetailsOf to get properties with reference to Shell32First, Shell32 i... 2018.01.09 C#ITVisual Studio
IT If you get the message “You are connecting to the proxy server at” I was recently distressed by a Windows security message when opening Excel on a company PC that uses a proxy server.When... 2018.01.07 ITOffice
IT When a photo is inserted into Excel in VBA and rotated incorrectly The other day I got a bit stuck at work creating a VBA tool to batch insert photos into Excel.The tool inserts photos se... 2017.06.02 IT
IT Decompile C# code with ILSpy NET applications are said to be easy to reverse engineer. Software sold commercially may be subject to copyright infring... 2017.05.31 IT
C# Save application settings to SQLite in C# Environment used Visual Studio2010 / C# will be used for this explanation.Download SQLite.dllTo use SQLite as a DB, firs... 2017.05.30 C#IT
C# If the placement or size of controls in a multilingual application changes from language to language After making a multilingual version, you may have changed the position or size of a control and suddenly realize that it... 2017.05.28 C#ITMulti LanguageVisual Studio
C# Creating Multilingual Applications in Visual Studio Steps to make it multilingualIf you want to make it multilingual, create the default value in English.This time, we will... 2017.05.28 C#ITMulti LanguageVisual Studio